In an effort to generate support and raise awareness and funds for the building of a Veteran’s Memorial, Thomas Gregory collaborated with Time Warner Cable to showcase a student-produced documentary featuring local veterans and current servicemen and women on Time Warner’s Local On-Demand channel.
The documentary is part of Gregory’s To Serve and To Honor unit, which began shortly after a
Gahanna Lincoln High alum lost his life in Iraq. Motivated by the loss of a friend and community member, students helped create the unit, resulting in an award-winning documentary and more than $130,000 raised to design and build a Veteran’s Memorial outside of the school.
Listen and learn (MP3, 20.5 MB) how Gregory has impacted not only his students, but his entire community.
Technorati tags: Thomas Gregory, veteran’s memorial, on-demand, student documentary, Time Warner Cable, Cable's Leaders in Learning Awards, cable, CIC, Cable in the Classroom, cableintheclassroom, tv, school, education, NCTA
posted by Cable in the Classroom ( @ 3:15 PM